IC Council News

November 2019
ITF AGM Report

ITF AGM Report

Paul McNamee, IC of Australia and Executive Committee member attended the recent ITF AGM meeting, as an observer on behalf of the IC. The main agenda matters were in relation to the Presidential and Board elections, and Paul had the following to report:

"I had a productive discussion with the chair of the ITF’s Rules of Tennis Committee, amongst others. I explained to the chair the history of the IC’s role as (previously) an observer on this committee, especially in its role as custodian of the spirit of the game.

We touched on issues such as consistency of time between points on the ATP and WTA Tours and at ITF events, scoring of matches (e.g. all Grand Slams are different in the 5th set), grunting and, importantly, investigations into the merits of in match coaching. Most encouragingly, the chair supported the concept of the IC’s observer role being reinstated. However, it would require significant broader support I imagine before the observer role could be reinstated.

One rule change which went to the floor of the AGM was in relation to rule 29 of the rules of Tennis to extend the time between points from 20 to 25 seconds. The remaining parts of the rule would remain intact, including the principle that play should be continuous.

The reasons given were:

(1) harmony across all bodies - ATP, WTA and ITF, given ATP & WTA operate on 25 seconds

(2) physiological, in that the demands of the modern game justify it

(3) data shows that it will only have a minimal increase on the length of matches

The motion was carried by a 92% majority.

Given the IC is an observer at the AGM, we are not in a position to comment on a proposed resolution on the floor, which makes it important that the IC may one day again have a presence at the Rules of Tennis Committee.

I do appreciate the support which was given to me by the IC Council to attend."

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